Every Monday 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM; in the Meeting Room and VIA Zoom ; with Gert Johan Manschot

Please register to be sent the zoom link and to reserve your In-Person spot. – See Calendar

Meditation will be led by Gert Johan Manschot. Please bring something comfortable to sit on. like a yoga mat, folded blanket, and/or meditation cushion. You are also welcome to meditate in a chair, if you wish.

The class will focus on the different why’s and how’s of meditation as well as practicing it. Johan will make use of a “guided meditation” technique as a means to support and instruct.

Johan began Zen meditation training in 1980/81 at Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-Ji, a Zen Buddhist monastery upstate New York, which also included a Kessei, a fulltime 100 days of training. Johan has been teaching meditation classes in the Austin area since 2013.